Tuesday 8 October 2013

Too Young

A nineteen year old girl, still just a child herself, too young to go through what she has experienced. A baby born with handicaps, a husband who has abandoned them. Quite likely because of their handicapped daughter.
But the look of love and joy on her face as she watched her daughter do horse therapy was beautiful. It looked as though her troubles were lifted for a time. Mother and baby both glowed.
Then she disappeared. She gave up on the opportunity of an education which would help her better her life. She gave up on therapy and a future education for her daughter. She left the people who most wanted to help her, and give her a chance at a brighter future.
Where is she now? We don’t know. Perhaps with family. I hope she’s with someone who cares. I really hope for something great for her little daughter. That she would get therapy somewhere else, and not just be one of these hidden children who remains shut away her whole life.

Photos by Pradeep Rajendran and Morgan Malstead. Ooty, summer 2013

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